The Pushkar Lake is a semi-circular shaped sacred water body, also known as 'TirthaRaj’. According to Hindu mythology, the lake was created from one of the petals that fell from the lotus flower with which Lord Bramha killed the demon Vajra Nabh. This sacred Hindu lake has a maximum depth of about 10 m.
Legend of origin of Pushkar Lake :
As believed by the people; it was created by Lord Brahma, one of the 3 most important Gods of Hindu Religion. It is said that Lord Brahma was once chasing to kill a demon Vajranabha or Vajranash. He used Lotus Flower as his weapon. While killing the demon, some petals from the Lotus Flower fell from the hands of Lord Brahma. Thus the name Pushkar came into existence as Pushkar; a Sanskrita word; translates to Pushpa (flower) and Kara (hand).
History of Pushkar Lake :
History of Pushkar Lake could be concluded from scriptures and artefacts or dates mentioned on coins. Inscription at Sanchi describes Lake of 2nd Century BC. Punch Marked coins mention a date of 4th Century BC. Chinese traveller who visited India in 5th Century has described that Lake was a pilgrimage though it didn’t fall on any ancient Trade Routes. NaharRaoParihar , a Rajput Ruler of Mandore restored Lake due to its significance, in 9th Century. In times of Mughal Rulers Jehangir and Aurangzeb, significance of the lake got a blow as Jizya was imposed on Hindus.